How to prepare for college as a junior during COVID

If you are a junior, here are some key tips to get ahead of the college preparation process even in a COVID world. How to tackle college admission testing planning and not panic First, what in the world is a “typical” testing timeline and approach to the SAT/ACT? Before I begin, “typical” is in quotationsContinue reading “How to prepare for college as a junior during COVID”

Pieces of your college application: Unpacking GPA and what it really means

GPA. Grade Point Average. It is the number on your transcript. The culmination of your grades and semester by semester. I bet if you’re a student, that number feels a bit heavier to you. Like it means your fate in admissions. Or that a college will put you in a different pile when reviewing yourContinue reading “Pieces of your college application: Unpacking GPA and what it really means”

How to apply to colleges where you will thrive

You know the colleges that have been branded in your brain since you were little. Or the ones on bumper stickers. Or the ones your cousin went to that you’re always reminded of on holidays. College has become a brand. A rite of passage. So if you’re a senior trying to decide on where toContinue reading “How to apply to colleges where you will thrive”

National College Decision Day and What You Need to Know

Seniors committing to four year colleges: Today is your day! May 1 is National Commitment Deadline Day. There may be some updates due to COVID-19, but for the vast majority, committing to a college by today is your first step towards many incredible steps to come. Here are a few things to keep in mind, plus anContinue reading “National College Decision Day and What You Need to Know”

How to Commit to your University AND Feel Confident in your Decision

May 1st is approaching. You’re a senior, hesitant about your final options. One on hand, you’re excited you have choices, but on the other hand, maybe you still have a waitlist option and are still wondering. Maybe you’re thinking about a community college, or even a Gap Year. Maybe you have two amazing choices, thatContinue reading “How to Commit to your University AND Feel Confident in your Decision”

SAT June Cancellation + Testing Updates, What You Need to Know

The College Board announced the June 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Test administration is cancelled. They have added an SAT administration in September, which will give students the opportunity to test every month from August through December. If you are a junior and preparing/planning for college admissions, including testing, here is what you need toContinue reading “SAT June Cancellation + Testing Updates, What You Need to Know”

AP Testing 2020 Updates

Trevor Packer, the head of the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, streamed a live webinar to provide updates for spring 2020 AP testing. After a full semester of curriculum and a spring semester beginning with home learning, students will be able to test for APs at home and have the opportunity for college credit and toContinue reading “AP Testing 2020 Updates”

Admissions Considerations During COVID-19

In a matter of days admission updates and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic change drastically. As a family with students applying or looking towards the future to apply to college, these times may feel uncertain. A key piece to college applications lies in one word: CONTEXT. Context is the piece of information provided that aContinue reading “Admissions Considerations During COVID-19”

All you need to tour a college without actually going anywhere

College tour just got cancelled? Not wanting to step foot in an airport? Quarantined? I give you online tools to get to know a college, on the outside and the inside so you can still use your time towards college prep and planning…all from your couch…maybe even in your pj’s. The Bigger Picture Use theseContinue reading “All you need to tour a college without actually going anywhere”

2020 Intentions for Families in the College Process

I can see clearly now the rain is gone… Expect if you’re applying, have applied or are a younger family thinking about applying to college, it feels like a whole thunderstorm that’s looming overhead. College is scary. It feels impossible to get in. It feels like everyone is getting A’s, are in AP classes andContinue reading “2020 Intentions for Families in the College Process”